Survive! — Shadows and Lights of Recruiting processes as a Software Engineer

Fer Ayguavives
9 min readAug 20, 2021
Photo by Zac Ong on Unsplash

A few months ago, I wrote an article about fresh starts as a Senior Software Engineer. Talk is cheap. A few months have passed since I decided I was ready to work for a company again, and I want to talk about the journey.
The struggles, the learnings, the shadows and lights, and what keeps me going until I land my next dream job. Maybe, this could be useful for someone out there!

A personal choice: Starting early or No plan B

Even if the market is in a great state right now, doesn´t necessarily mean you will land your dream job on the first try. It may take some time.

Most people I know are open to doing interviews while keeping their current jobs or be in multiple processes at once. I decided not to do that because I don't like having a plan B.
Once I join a company or start a process, I tend to identify myself with it and try to give my best. The same approach I got with personal relationships. But in terms of economics, this may not be the best outcome. I let you decide that, based on your preferences. Here are some data that may help you make the decision, based on my recent experiences.

Process duration



Fer Ayguavives

Coffee lover. Psychologist. Nerdy Front-End Developer since the 56-Kbps days. Javascript & Angular enthusiast. | Writer at Angular Playground